There's nothing worse than users frustration at not being able to submit webforms due to validati... more

You can remove the extension from a filename in C# using several methods more

~problem~ I had missing headers I did a bit of a google because I was getting a lot of missing ... more

Put some nifty star ratings on your page more

How to ensure your CSS edits display properly more

Improve your searches with Soundex! more

Extension Methods are a handy way to extend built-in types like string or int more

Create a tree view the easy way - don't battle a framework like Kendo! more

Codeyou can run directly in LINQPad to create a conditional query more

need to chage identity data? use GetOwinContext more

spins the card on mouseover more

Make an image fit the web page more

Pure CSS cellphone graphic more

Smash a virtual guitar into a virtual amplifier! A FUN animation made with the Greensock GSAP lib... more

A nifty magnifier you can move over an image with your mouse more