Convert Text to HTML C#

A C# class to convert plain text to HTML Say you have a text input form field that you want to send in an email. You could add HTML tags manually, but that's not user friendly. You could use a HTML editor component. Either way involves sending raw HTML to the server, which is a recipe for a XSS (cross site scripting) attack. This is a very simple solution that picks apart your plain text, converts URL's into HREF tags and adds a break tag

at the end of every newline. The methodology uses regular expressions to recognise, and a MatchEvaluator to replace the url's and line breaks. You could extend it to recognise emails using the same methodology. You could add tokens to create bulleted lists. It does everything I want it to so I'm leaving it here. Feel free to run with ot if you want to add functionality. Enjoy! Ben

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