Time was when all you had to do to verify you own a domain to Google was to place an HTML file they gave you at the root of the website. This is obviously proven to not be as secure and has been superseded by a DNS setting. This is a lot harder for web masters to set up.
This is how you do it using Plesk.
Firstly, in Google search console click the box with at the top left and select add property - a modal popup will appear use the left hand option and enter your domain name (without any protocols like Https or www) and click verify It will then generate a unique text string that you have to add to your DNS settings
Open Plesk go to websites and domains expand the domain that you want to verify click DNS settings. You will see a long list of settings that have already been added. Click add property at the top of the page (from the drop down list) select TXT from the first dropdown on the page that opens and paste the link that Google gave you into the field IP address Click OK that will take you back to the previous page where you will see update record - click that and you are done!
Go back to Google search console and you should be able to verify your domain ownership straight away.
One limitation with place is that it doesn't seem to be able to allow you to verify domain aliases. It does however allow you to verify subdomains.